Monday 26 April 2010


QUOTE:Nicole Kuepper

"Electricity can make such a difference in people's lives: they can read at night, they no longer have to breathe in noxious fumes from things like kerosene lamps, you can listen to the radio and be informed about what's happening in your country and other countries, listen to educational programs, you can refrigerate vaccines that can help save people's lives... It's just the amount of things that we take for granted in today's society that some people don't have access to, it's just mind boggling when you step back and start to think about it."

QUOTE: Charles Darwin

“The most powerful natural species are those that adapt to environmental change without losing their fundamental identity which gives them their competitive advantage.”

QUOTE: Stephen Hawking

“Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty."

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